ࡱ> !  $ "#)*+,-./0 Root EntrypA^Info AliasesEvents&  !"#$%()*+,-./023456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]`abcdefghijklmnopqrstScript14667FAB KLIENT EPONA INFORMATIONS ET MULTISERVEUR COMMANDE http://fromelard.free.frF___ (fabrice69)fabrice_69@hotmail.com1.2Cf www.ircfr.com $acnick'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ if Params <> "" Then for i = 0 to Servers.Count Klient.CommandFrom Servers.Handle(i),"nick " & Params next End If$adeop'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ for i = 0 to Servers.Count Klient.CommandFrom Servers.Handle(i),"msg chanserv deop" next$ aidentify-'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ LeNick = MiscUtils.NParam(2, Msg) LePass = MiscUtils.NParam(3, Msg) Klient.CommandFrom ServersHandle ,"nick " & LeNick Klient.CommandFrom ServersHandle ,"msg chanserv identify " & LePass$anick'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ LeNick = MiscUtils.InputBox("Le Nick ?", "&Quel nickname voulez-vous prendre : ", "", 112, 312, 4) LePass = MiscUtils.InputBox("Le Mot de Passe ?", "&Quel est le Mot de passe : ", "", 112, 312, 4) if LeNick <> "" and LePass <> "" then for i = 0 to Servers.Count Klient.CommandFrom Servers.Handle(i),"aidentify "& LeNick & LePass next End If$aop'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ for i = 0 to Servers.Count Klient.CommandFrom Servers.Handle(i),"msg chanserv op" next$asme'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ for i = 0 to Servers.Count Klient.CommandFrom Servers.Handle(i),"ame " & Params next$asmsg'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ for i = 0 to Servers.Count Klient.CommandFrom Servers.Handle(i),"amsg " & Params next$FabAntiIdleTimer'Parameters: WiIdentifiers'Popups pA^pA^Channel  Chat 1ndowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ if Variables.Exists( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle ) then Result = "Fab Anti-Idle (on)" else Result = "Fab Anti-Idle (off)" end if$FabAntiIdleTimerMenu'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, WindowName, ' WindowType, Params ' Script : F___ if Variables.Exists( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle ) then Result = "Dsactiver" else Result = "Activer" end if$$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$Nickserv Informations'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Klient.MultiCommand WindowHandle, "Nickserv info " & WindowName & " all"ƻLB>~}M@Av$DCC@4DHJ@C}sx>B>}|}=D?>F[>sF:ADw~|}}| 0A,J^,A|yz~|?:G%:S -~wL{1)DR"AI72}/y?7 &ų3"%yyE!CK'(-:EJ}5}~8z+/sL" 6t}~}y8n,!; C@;?E|E:us=#:R<&8Z'=A2  ! @r^|}|% *Fww~v,,v>9%3!0 Czw~= ff_RN L8o i e uv|?A^ V o{|} w ww r h>;r}{5 KMD HD Bw{XSA=  C>ړ2#9 3&Ӛ$Chanserv Informations'Parameters: Wind6BM66(  yr~wz | AC޻́  ׌ ܷGA ݹ||zzBFԼʂ   ~~Ê|۸忸|Ӿ־YKXSA=  C>ړ2#9 3&Ӛ$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowTypeu?>7kADɹ$Names ListH~Notify ^<Query  _~Server($$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$Nickserv Informations'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Klient.MultiCommand WindowHandle, "Nickserv info $nick all"6BM66(  yr~wz | AC޻́  ׌ ܷGA ݹ||zzBFԼʂ   ~~Ê|۸忸|$$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$Chanserv Autre Canal+'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Dim Chan Chan = MiscUtils.InputBox(""&chanserv&" Info ?", "&Channel Vrifier :", "", 112, 212, 4) if Chan <> "" then Klient.CommandFrom WindowHandle, ""&chanserv&" info #"&Chan&" all" end if6BM66(  yr~wz | AC޻́  ׌ ܷGA ݹ||zzBFԼʂ   ~~Ê|۸忸|Ӿ־YKXSA=  C>ړ2#9 3&Ӛ$Chanserv Informations'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Klient.MultiCommand WindowHandle, "Chanserv info " & WindowName & " all"6BM66(  λmD=H hvpexutEC}Y~pn|vuŽCB!J0 P zsrnpomCB$ ( A yrq}tyiqqY"( (B#tqr^V=4`TFJA{PoUq#4$ MqF?'M64 5&Ge2(7*tW i lP# ]` ɼ}}~|~xRH }}^ ^̻u?>7kADɹ$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$Op sur tous les Canaux'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Klient.CommandFrom WindowHandle, "aop"6BM66(  ddf?FH@EGj`iù?AF ;+z*x>C_`kź <~9-/,50CJ%#-D?G8B?  )'BIc`iy>?YQO  ) 9ƾACDVjW -'DDc`ddyhu #(ABD Yl|  2y$)9FItb AS$6\df~={d *B?*A | 0,9?5?GBBM{  ;FHs$Deop sur tous les Canaux'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Klient.CommandFrom WindowHandle, "adeop"6BM66(  ]ggHBICCJ`cj=@G *$~%?G [cg9|5$#!/DC''9EJ$OG7CL' 'BEbag$;BU`9?G:3Ž?CE^z_BG %$=J]aebxTF}}  'BB0~ +AAE^p ,}#&~?FE k ",~abdzG{ )B ̹z 9{5}@?FxED`ړ2#9 3&Ӛ$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$$$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$Nickserv Informations'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Klient.MultiCommand WindowHandle, "Nickserv info $nick all"6BM66(  yr~wz | AC޻́  ׌ ܷGA ݹ||zzBFԼʂ   ~~Ê|۸忸|Ӿ־YKXSA=  C>ړ2#9 3&Ӛ$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowTypeeur : "& Servers.NameByHandle(tserver) &" ", "", "", "", "", 22, True, False, 0 else 'Create an anti-idle timer that will call the "AntiIdle" 'routine in the global script file Id = Timers.Add( 0, 0, 60, False, tserver, "FabAntiIdleTimer", True, True ) Variables.SetVar "FabAntiIdleTimer" & tserver, Id Display.FormattedEcho WindowHandle, "Fab Anti-Idle Activ sur le serveur : "& Servers.NameByHandle(tserver) &" ", "", "", "", "", 22, True, False, 0 end if next6BM66(  оVB?OG;jWjVnRmWWEŽͿKU.$}zs}]5(:ıK7$Ⱥ˹DZųŬ_4$ӽW6!ȷ_@<ǛƾTG=ǵĭa6#~YPƿǿķǽijīv^U`3%MC9ν˿Ҿ˨̶TG@Ķ^5+v}׭]b_ȿſʸ{uqvƿM7167/`ecq`iw9 qzƿG<,«ЦrH |úź[e[̹˼y{c7"ȬHM=þɾjbgýf=AŸ\4#ZPʱ˱ǻĿȨȸ}]Om3%Ų̹?A:œ¼MEg>Aį$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowTypeenv Globaluy[[]FG@e\g/i[u`djh]o^rc_na{iq`eiscwUmRL5$$FabAntiIdleTimerMenu' Script repris de la version fournie avec le logiciel ' mais radapt pour lancer l'antiIdle sur tous les rseaux la fois ' Script : F___ Dim Id if Variables.Exists( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle ) then Timers.Kill Variables.Evaluate( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle ) Variables.Unset "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle Display.FormattedEcho WindowHandle, "Fab Anti-Idle Dsactiv sur le serveur : "& Servers.NameByHandle(ServerHandle) &" ", "", "", "", "", 22, True, False, 0 else 'Create an anti-idle timer that will call the "AntiIdle" 'routine in the global script file Id = Timers.Add( 0, 0, 60, False, ServerHandle, "FabAntiIdleTimer", True, True ) Variables.SetVar "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle, Id Display.FormattedEcho WindowHandle, "Fab Anti-Idle Activ sur le serveur : "& Servers.NameByHandle(ServerHandle) &" ", "", "", "", "", 22, True, False, 0 end if6$$-O'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType$Chanserv Info Autre Chan#'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType ' Script : F___ Dim Chan Chan = MiscUtils.InputBox("Chanserv Info ?", "&Channel Vrifier :", "", 112, 212, 4) if Chan <> "" then Klient.CommandFrom WindowHandle, "Chanserv info #"&Chan&" all" end if6BM66(  yr~wz | AC޻́  ׌ ܷGA ݹ||zzBFԼʂ   ~~Ê|۸忸|Ӿ־YKXSA=  C>ړ2#9 3&Ӛ$$FabAntiIdleTimer6BM66(  k0faf]gavl]eedhs_8E9~:HRV~IB\@Q,P d^ci\'h@RjE:wJLOIcld~t|L7",ó3fѬx{imnfn}STRp,Ȥo^`˖env dsT7@2^V3_ڢ ] orI@*L󩬩ryi^OtP<'N|j^T[]|O|+`d.]EcGj7hkmÆ[pz3Ğ)­\vbozsrbeIphZݑ6žKQ dbxO>ʼnB4zނ_[ [|ljUXGM^~l[Y~dno}~t׶mOnk~e=yJC~cT}Adquts=7:{N}y[[]FG@e\g/i[u`djh]o^rc_na{iq`eiscwUmRL5$$FabAntiIdleTimerMenu' Script repris de la version fournie avec le logiciel ' mais radapt pour lancer l'antiIdle sur tous les rseaux la fois ' Script : F___ Dim Id if Variables.Exists( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle ) then Timers.Kill Variables.Evaluate( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle ) Variables.Unset "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle Display.FormattedEcho WindowHandle, "Fab Anti-Idle Dsactiv sur le serveur : "& Servers.NameByHandle(ServerHandle) &" ", "", "", "", "", 22, True, False, 0 else 'Create an anti-idle timer that will call the "AntiIdle" 'routine in the global script file Id = Timers.Add( 0, 0, 60, False, ServerHandle, "FabAntiIdleTimer", True, True ) Variables.SetVar "FabAntiIdleTimer" & ServerHandle, Id Display.FormattedEcho WindowHandle, "Fab Anti-Idle Activ sur le serveur : "& Servers.NameByHandle(ServerHandle) &" ", "", "", "", "", 22, True, False, 0 end if6BM66(  k0faf]gavl]eedhs_8E9~:HRV~IB\@Q,P d^ci\'h@RjE:wJLOIcld~t|L7",ó3fѬx{imnfn}STRp,Ȥo^`˖env dsT7@2^V3_ڢ ] orI@*L󩬩ryi^OtP<'N|j^T[]|O|+`d.]EcGj7hkmÆ[pz3Ğ)­\vbozsrbeIphZݑ6žKQ dbxO>ʼnB4zނ_[ [|ljUXGM^~l[Y~dno}~t׶mOnk~e=yJC~cT}Adquts=7:{N}y[[]FG@e\g/i[u`djh]o^rc_na{iq`eiscwUmRL5$Anti Idle All Servers'Parameters: WindowHandle, ServerHandle, ' WindowName, WindowType Dim Id for i=0 to servers.Count-1 tserver=servers.Handle(i) if Variables.Exists( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & tserver ) then Timers.Kill Variables.Evaluate( "FabAntiIdleTimer" & tserver ) Variables.Unset "FabAntiIdleTimer" & tserver Display.FormattedEcho WindowHandle, "Fab Anti-Idle Dsactiv sur le serv